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Asatryan Law
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Representing the injured in California and Nevada

Posts tagged "Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Accidents"

No insurance can be costly for all involved

The state of California has a variety of laws in place intended to protect its citizens. Among these laws are those mandating that every individual who owns and drives a motor vehicle carry insurance. The type of insurance that the individual needs is dependent upon the individual's circumstances and often regulated by both law and loan requirements. Unfortunately, the fact that insurance is required does not mean that there are instances in which an accident occurs and the driver at fault has no insurance.

I was involved in a hit and run. Am I covered by insurance?

Have you ever walked out to your car in a parking lot or along the street and found that it was damaged by another vehicle? Have you ever been involved in a fender bender and watched incredulously as the other driver sped away? If you said yes to either of these questions, then you've been a victim of a hit-and-run accident and probably asked: Will my insurance cover this?

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